Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life in Lyman: Lone Man

Whenever Brenda hears about a man not treating his wife well, she says that he will be a lone man in the Garden of Eden. You should know, I did not do anything to deserve being a lone man.

The older girls are at camp and Brenda took the others to Island Park. I have been home alone for the past two days. It is very quiet, except for the goats. I have been working on several projects and have be productive. But, it is very quiet. Hard to sleep quiet. So while I am not a lone man, I am alone man.

Besides, If you really want to know the truth, I just wanted to show off my scar.


Unknown said...

Wow, no bowtie. Oh I see your wife must tie it for you.

Lost Woman said...

I don't know Jared, but he is clever.

The barechest bowtie look was made famous in "What's up Doc" and should not be discounted.

Hope your "alone man" time is productive!

crazy lady said...

If you've got it flaunt it.