Friday, November 03, 2006

Illustration Friday: smoke

Smoke: Feline P.I.

When you just need to know, Smoke the Feline P.I., is the cat for the job. This is an UnBook not written by Scott E Franson. But you never know, one day when you least expect it at your local bookstore—Smoke, will be there.

UnBooks are a creative exersize for me. Each Friday morning I wake up and go to to see what the new word is. Then over the course of the day I develop a book cover, usually for a children's picture book, with an occasional novel. It is a nice opportunity to experiment and have fun. Before this morning, I had never met Smoke, the Feline P.I., and now I have a new character that can begin to inhabit my stories. I kind of like this cat. He is here for me whenever I need some company, and he doesn't eat.

I have enjoyed creating this image. I hope that you enjoy it!


Manelle said...

I am a fan of the cat too. I can't wait to see what his first adventure is. What a great idea.

Leah said...

love the cat! :-) and your unbook idea is awesome.

murphy girl said...

i do enjoy it, as with all your unbooks, not written by you!

claudine hellmuth said...

oh i love this little guy! I am crazy about kitties. Please write a book about Smoke and maybe my Stanley can be his sidekick!

tusen said...

I love your UnBooks :D The cat looks mysterious, it would be great to read about his adventures one day, so I really hope the UnBook will became a Book.

Rita illustration said...

Ha ha ha... lovely cat.

J. E. Morris said...

I love your unbooks, maybe someday they won't be published. ;-)

Unknown said...

beautiful design!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Great work! So consistent.

Uta Ritke said...

I do enjoy too! WOW!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Look at his scar!! He's got the looks and the attitude! (Love the background wallpaper too.)

Anonymous said...
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Valyn said...
