Friday, October 20, 2006

Illustration Friday: Ghost

Flaminghost: Another UnBook that is not by Scott E Franson


Nancy Murphree Davis said...

I have no idea where/why you chose this, but it is lovely and quite funny!

studio lolo said...

I love Flaminghosts!!

zann said...

There are a couple of flaminghosts in a yard, right down the road from where I work. They always put a smile on my face every time I drive by..yours has the same effect :D

Doug said...

I like the theme you have going on these... and you always do a great job!

scott e said...

Thank you so much for the term "flaminghost".

murphy girl said...


Michelle Lana said...


Kactiguy said...

You have a whole library of un-books and this is a great addition.

nicole falk said...

haha funny!!

Anonymous said...

what a funny twist! I love it.