Monday, February 19, 2007

Illustration Friday: gravity

What if? These are the questions that all children ask and want to know the answers to. This Un-Book explores "What if" questions about gravity.


Michelle Lana said...

Cool one!

nicole falk said...

very very awesome!!

Fonda said...

That's really funny. I like it!

Diane Duda said...

very nice!!! great colors!

Ginger*:) said...

Scott, this has such beauty. There is almost a sense of time in suspension as we wait for that beautiful apple to make it's way to the ground. Your illustration gives the feeling of clam..... and gravity in very slow motion. Just beautiful!

Erika Astronauta Ariente said...

great concept and very beautiful!

Casey Stadler said...

Another great one. How did you do the shadow on the apple like that?